Faded American Flag Liz Cheney Ouster

Grunge USA Flag, old american flag background

Our political system lost a bit more luster today. Minutes ago, the Republican conference in the U.S. House of Representatives ousted their Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney from her position of leadership. Preferring to continue their fealty to a twice-impeached President instead of returning to their historical convictions that helped make America great for the better part of two centuries, they attempted to silence the daughter of a former Vice-President of the U.S. for speaking her mind. This came only a day or two after Minority Leader Kevin McCarty assured the American People “…unlike the Left, we embrace free thought and debate.” Apparently, that free thought and debate does not include the inconvenient truths that the 2020 elections were fair (if numerous Republican election officials and Republican judges are to be believed), and that President Trump may have played a role (directly or indirectly) in the January 6th insurrection. But that is a matter for the courts to decide.

We need a country where people like Liz Cheney are applauded for speaking out and voting their conscience, letting the chips fly as they may. I don’t know which outcome is more unsettling in 2024 for me as a citizen: A second term for Donald J. Trump or a progressively-led Democratic Party with a veto-proof lock on government.

Hopefully, both parties will come to their senses soon, and lead from the middle.

Featured photo credit xpixel (Shutterstock)

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