Has the next world war already begun?

Many of us are following the news from Ukraine. Routinely, it is pushed aside by reports of devastating hurricanes, wildfires, drought, rampant crime, inflation, and so on. Most Americans are likely aware that Russia invaded Ukraine last February. Americans also know that the U.S. and our allies are sending massive amounts of aid to Ukraine, both in humanitarian and in military assistance. The fact that Russia has repeatedly reminded the West that Russia has nuclear weapons in its arsenal which it is willing to use also has not gone unnoticed. During the first six months of the invasion, Russia seized additional Ukraine sovereign territory (beyond their initial anschluss of the Crimea in 2014.) Russian President Vladimir Putin cites his special military operation as justified based on creeping encroachment by NATO, his perceived decadence of liberal western democracy taking root in Ukraine1, persecution by the Kjiv government of citizens of Russian descent in eastern Ukraine as well as for other reasons. But Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has in reality occurred because fundamentally, Putin is unhappy with the contemporary maps of central and Eastern Europe and he seeks to restore glory to Russia by redrawing national boundaries to Russia’s advantage, even if it means the dismemberment of Ukraine, Moldova (where there are also Russian soldiers), and so on. Visions of empire. At the moment, however, the Ukranian forces have gained the initiative on many fronts and are reclaiming their lands. For all the embarrassment the Russians are dealing with as they understand that their army cannot fight or is poorly led, and for all of the handwringing by Sergei Shoigu, the Russian Defense Minister about events getting out of hand, this whole war could end tomorrow if President Vladimir Putin would just say “enough is enough” and pull out his troops which unlawfully occupy a sovereign country and who torture, rape and murder its citizens. But it couldn’t be quite that simple. It’s worth asking though: Has the next World War already begun?

In addition to the tens of billions fo dollars of military aid the West (i.e., the U.S., Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand and the European Union) has provided Ukraine, the West has also largely responded with economic sanctions, and has foregone Russian oil and gas to punish Russia, and now with winter steadily approaching, Europe is facing punishing prospects itself.

“My hypothesis is that we may be on the razor’s edge of a Third World War–if we haven’t actually crossed the line . . .”


Does this give us an accurate context of where the world was a year ago and where it might be six months from now? My hypothesis is that we may be on the razor’s edge of a Third World War–if we haven’t actually crossed the line into a new war–and I believe this is presently a concern among intelligence and policy specialists who function way above my pay grade. In some unmistakable ways, traditional warning signs of war are everywhere.


NATO alliance in grey (Map courtesy of NATO.)

This war will be like no other, because many assumptions are being overturned. These assumptions deal with air superiority and asymmetrical warfare, alternative and available sources of energy, drone and robotic warfare, and so on. With Russian battle field incompetence and logistical failures, soon all Russia will have left are weapons of mass destruction with which to continue their campaign. What then?

Prospects for a dark, cold winter

Below is a photo of a house in Finland. Or, it could be a dothan in Scotland, a cottage in France, a Belgium huisje, a Polish domek, a cabaña in Spain or a котедж in Ukraine.

It’s sunset, wintertime, and cold. Bitterly cold. No electricity, no heat, no phone service, no running water to drink or for toilets or any access to the web. This is what Europe is facing this winter. Fuel rationing, blackouts during the day, and temperatures well below 0o Celsius. What of petrol for vehicles? How can gas station pump fuel without electricity? And can one afford petrol even if the station operates several hours a day? How will you get to work, and then you finally arrive only to find your workplace shuttered and dark?

Photo credit: Natalia Flejszar (Shutterstock.)

Failed assumptions

I can’t see how Europe can ever do business with Vladimir Putin again, and I know I’m not the only one who believes this. True, Putin was willing to honor energy contracts with the West as his forces plundered Ukraine, but the West would not let him have his cake and eat it too.

Another failed assumption comes from Putin, himself. He believed that he could force regime change in Ukraine after only two weeks or so of fighting, but the Ukranians proved him wrong. Then, too, he believed that perhaps he could destroy the will and unity of NATO. That, too led to no avail. Instead, NATO is about to increase in membership.

The rise of fascism in the West

It’s not easy to suggest that there is a insidious form of fascism emerging in the U.S.A. It is much easier and believable for the Right to warn of a creeping form of socialism, courtesy of the Left. But, in fact, both ideologies are present in America (and thriving.)

According to CBS News:

“Fascism is generally defined as a political movement that embraces far-right nationalism and the forceful suppression of any opposition, all overseen by an authoritarian government. Fascists strongly oppose Marxism, liberalism and democracy, and believe the state takes precedence over individual interests. They favor centralized rule, often a single party or leader, and embrace the idea of a national rebirth, a new greatness for their country. Economic self-sufficiency is prized, often through state-controlled companies. Youth, masculinity and strength are highly fetishized.”


We see this characterization true of the political Right today. Democrats are demonized, the free, independent press is called the “enemy of the people” and the Executive Branch has consisted in the recent past of bureaucrats who are personally loyal to POTUS at the expense of the U.S. Constitution. Attempts have been made to allow a state to overturn democratic processes if a state legislature is unhappy with the peoples’ choice (at least in Arizona.) And the right seeks new era of America dominance (“Make America Great Again.”) This might be through Christian Nationalism, or white supremacy or though some other intolerant and unscriptural ideology. Meanwhile, the far Left has it’s own agenda and while we may never see a truly “progressive” president, ideologues in the Democratic Party can deny their party a governing mandate.

New frontiers

Air superiority

Neither side in Ukraine has air superiority. The Ukrainian Air Force could not compete with Russian air forces on a good day, but then, Russia has not had many good days since the war began. A very recent attack on a Russian airfield took place hundreds of kilometers from the Ukraine border. Drones (UAV’s) and missiles have done most of the damage to date on both sides. The question is: to what extent will drones “replace” conventional fighter jets? Jets can shoot down drones, though drones do not give off much of a heat signature and may slip by some defenses. I personally do not have the experience or expertise to discuss this area, but I know the air war in Ukraine is being followed closely by both sides in the conflict.

Cyber warfare

APT 41 (ak, Double Dragon, PLA Unit 6139) are well known Chinese hacking organizations. Russia has Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear among other groups. Hackers have operated more or less with impunity thus far.

Photo credit: Ozrimoz (Shutterstock)

Many cases of cyberattacks against the U.S. have been in the form of denial of service attacks to shutdown consumer access to services, whether Amazon or airlines. Another common form of attack is ransomware where a hospital or university is attacked with the intent of destroying or alterating either patient records or student transcripts. Some potentially deadly attacks have focused on the water supply system. In the past, Western governments have had more, or less, cooperation with Russia in mitigating the damage from hackers attacking hospitals, municipalities and other infrastructure targets, but those days are probably gone. Stuxnet was developed to destroy or degrade Iran’s nuclear program some years ago. In war, all bets are off and who knows what might be “out there?”

Arctic warfare

It’s possible that the Arctic will play a pivotal though yet unknown role in the war. Russia has been building bases (including miltary fortifications) to this end. Russian nuclear missile submarines (“boomers”) prowl silently under the receding ice cap. Russian military planes are found in the north in numbers greater than ever. More recently, Russian submarines have traveled from Severodvinsk on the White Sea north of Moscow 5,500 nm to a base (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy) northeast of Japan. Gone are the days when the Russian submarine fleet had to travel through the Greenland-Iceland-UK (GUIK) gap. Russian (and much more lately the U.S. and NATO) have been staging ground maneuvers in the arctic and this theater will likely see more action in the next war as well.

Crew members look at the aurora borealis as it’s seen from the USCGC Bear (WMEC 901) as it transits northward in Operation Nanook, Atlantic Ocean, Aug. 9, 2022. The aurora, also known as the Northern Lights, is an electrical phenomenon in Earth’s atmosphere. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew Abban). DoD photo.

Space warfare

Russia has repeatedly and recently signaled that Maxar satellites and the SpaceX Starlink constellation system may be considered “fair game” in this war, given the advantage that these companies provide to Russia’s enemy (Ukraine.) In a wider conflict, other official government space assets might also be attacked. Possibly it was this thinking that caused the Department of Defense to propose the Space Force in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020.

Has World War III begin?

The first two world wars came about with very specific events, such as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand or the German invasion of Poland in September 1939. And, while Britain and France fairly quickly declared war on Germany, few hostilities occurred between the belligerents for the next eight months, coining the term “Phoney War” or “Sitzkrieg.”

With the reelection of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel may be much more willing to militarily confront Iran than before. Most of the Gulf nations would secretly applaud him for this, and Russia is too distracted in Ukraine to intervene. It is possible that we would hear from North Korea, where Kim Jong-un has been shooting off missiles (including an ICBM capable of reaching the U.S.) like party poppers in the past few days. Other nations (e.g. Armenia and Azerbaijan) might use this opportunity to settle scores as well. Clearly, we would then have many nations across several different continents at war. So we may very well have already set in motion the mechanism for the Third World War. And the answer to the question “Has the next World War already begun” may at this point be obvious.


1If not for Russian President Vladimir Putin, then certainly for his spiritual advisor Patriach Kirill, the last straw or casus belli may have been the Kyiv Gay Pride parade of September 19, 2021. More recently, Putin weighed in Mr. Putin saying that the West can have “dozens of genders and gay pride parades,” but that it should not try to spread these “trends” elsewhere. See also anti-gay laws passed in Russia.

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