

What I've learned about grieving


This is a post on grief.  Sooner or later we all encounter grief if we live long enough.  Some people might say that all they know is grief.  But this is the sort of grief that most people are exposed to in our society and culture. Grieving (and healing) very often involves pain.  In fact, it’s the emotional pain that you feel that may indicate that there is a problem in the first place.  Healing is also often best if it progresses from the “inside...

Kepler 131b


This is the fifth planet I’ve discussed in terms of exobiology and the search for life. Other posts include Kepler 16, Wolf 359, PSR B1257+12 b, and PSO J318.5−22, a Rogue Planet. One of these planets I mentioned circles a dwarf star, another a red giant, another a pulsar and still another no star at all. In the process I’ve added discussions on alien DNA, and alternatives (to carbon) bases for life (e.g. ammonia, silicon, barium and so on), and I’ve...

Lyin' Eyes


Super Tuesday, the biggest political event in the presidential primary season is upon us. If past is prologue, expect a greater turnout among people who identify as republican than those who identify as democrat.  Expect a large evangelical turnout. Expect that Nikki Haley, for all her grit and gumption will lose every event on Tuesday.  And expect that many self-described but utterly discredited “prophets” will dust off their failed predictions of 2020 to state what is clear to most Americans already:  That Donald...

Unnatural selection


I received an article in my inbox overnight from Medium, written by Harvard Astrophysicist Avi Loeb called “What Does Extraterrestrial Intelligence Look Like?  Professor Loeb, who sits on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), is perhaps best known for his work on the Galileo Project and the search for extraterrestrial life (specifically, evidence of alien technology on Earth.)  The premise of his work is that the Earth may have been visited in the distant past by extraterrestrials or interdimensional beings, and that...

Ashes to ashes


This post concerns some fundamental themes in God’s creation of Adam and Eve (including rabbinic traditions of Eden), sin and repentance, and death. I want to focus specifically on the final hours of a person’s life in this existence and what immediately lies beyond the veil as far as we mortals can know. The familiar funeral term “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” does not come from the Bible as such, but from the Anglican Book of Common prayer. However,...

A penny for your thoughts


The idiom “a penny for your thoughts” can be traced back to Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) who first mentioned it in “The Four Last Things,” an unfinished work written circa 1535 and published after his death:   Thomas More, a devout Catholic who resisted the Protestant Reformation in England and who was eventually beheaded (and subsequently canonized), intended to imply that when a person seems lost in thought or distracted, it was fitting to offer them a penny if they would explain...



The item in the photo should be familiar to many of us, though it is not widely used anymore. It would be familiar to Jesus, and his disciple Matthew who likely owned one of his own, since he was a tax collector. The item is an abacus which predates Christianity by many centuries. There are also various versions of this instrument used in counting. For example, it may have been more convenient in the Old West to use knots in...


I was listening to REM’s song “Everybody Hurts Sometimes” (A Todos Nos Duele A Veces) the other night. It put me in a reflective, almost somber mood.  I stared at this photo of a young Latina in custody at the U.S. border.  She no doubt has overwhelming problems and pain, as do other young people in America. I tried to put myself in her shoes to understand how she feels. She cannot leave the facility in which she is warehoused.  She cannot leave...



Sarcasm: Hostility disguised as humor. It’s very difficult to have grown up in the Catskills and not to have been exposed to sarcasm.  Comedians such Milton Berle, Jackie Gleason, Billy Crystal, Sid Caesar, Jerry Seinfeld, Jacky Mason, Buddy Hackett and many others entertained New Yorkers for many, many years.  Today, shows like “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) feature sarcasm and SNL fans are probably enthused about the show for this very reason.  This show has a well-earned and well rewarded reputation of cutting-edge humor...

One Love


I have always liked Reggae.  As a child, I was introduced to Calypso music, popular in Trinidad and Americanized by Harry Belafonte.  We had county fairs and such when I was a teenager, and invariably there was a steel drum band featured that played Caribbean music.  As an adult, my favorite rock artists such as The Police and Peter Gabriel would play similar third world music.  It didn’t take much of a leap to collecting Bob Marley songs. In this post, I’d like to...

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