

Life after seventy


So, big changes begin when someone turns seventy. It’s not like being a septuagenarian is, in and of itself, a crisis, but you may start thinking differently and your body may start feeling differently. You are entering the period that developmental psychologist Eric Erikson calls “integrity vs despair,’ or as he describes it “a retrospective accounting of one’s life to date; how much one embraces life as having been well lived, as opposed to regretting missed opportunities. . .” What’s more:...

Frog in boiling water


One of the more overused terms in the U.S. today is “slippery slope.” It refers to a decision a person might make that has unintended consequences. And, while many consider the term to be fallacious, it is not necessarily so. Missing a day of school because you overslept does not mean you’ll eventually wind up in prison if you extrapolate the likely consequences. But a failing grade for academic dishonesty such as cheating may mean you won’t graduate if your...

Family emerges from a darkened room as pandemic ends


For the past month or so, we’ve finally been able to see light at the end of the tunnel as far as the pandemic goes, thanks to the vaccines and the end of winter with more and more people spending time outdoors. India and Brazil are having difficult times at the moment and so we’re not out of the woods yet.  The SARS-CoV-2 virus may continue to be endemic to certain areas after the pandemic ends, but hopefully it will be...