


Harmonie und heilung in der natur: In den letzten Jahren habe ich den Klimawandel mit wachsender Sorge beobachtet.  In meinem Alter werde ich wahrscheinlich nicht mehr lange genug leben, um die vorhergesagten schwerwiegenden ökologischen Folgen zu erleben, die wir unseren Kindern und Enkeln hinterlassen werden.  Aber ich bin dennoch beunruhigt, weil wir in unserer Blindheit und Gier unseren Mitmenschen und zahllosen anderen Arten, die den Planeten mit uns teilen, schweres Leid zugefügt haben.  Diese unschuldigen Lebewesen wurden aus Gründen der kommerziellen Ausbeutung oder...

Frog in boiling water


One of the more overused terms in the U.S. today is “slippery slope.” It refers to a decision a person might make that has unintended consequences. And, while many consider the term to be fallacious, it is not necessarily so. Missing a day of school because you overslept does not mean you’ll eventually wind up in prison if you extrapolate the likely consequences. But a failing grade for academic dishonesty such as cheating may mean you won’t graduate if your...


On June 25, 2022 the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released the Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.  It was a nine-page unclassified document, though there are suggestions in the press that some classified portions were not released.  That may not be a sinister cover-up if so, but rather a normal procedure to protect U.S. military capabilities and tactics. While the report did not reject the possibility of extraterrestrial life as the origin of these encounters, neither did it exclude extraterrestrial...



At this time of the year in the northern U.S. and southern Canada, the monarch catepillar is starting to eat voraciously in preparation for the next stage of its life. You can easily find them on the leaves of milk weed, perhaps its favorite source of food. Presently, it will retreat into the darkess of a chrysalis, with which it enshrouds itself. When it emerges as a brilliant butterfly, we say that a metamorphosis has taken place. The apostle Paul...

Fish camp


In rural Florida there are destinations which are often overlooked by tourists. These are called fish camps. These camps have been described as: “. . . typically family owned [businesses which] give you an experience of being part of the family with all of the benefits of local knowledge. There are fish camps in all eight geographic regions of Florida with a wide variety of fishing and lodging choices.” Therefore, the visitor gets the benefit of learning the local holes and...

Currents of war


One of my most popular posts, called “The Point of No Return,” speaks in depth about the currents of the Niagara River as one approaches the famous falls. Let me share a bit of information from that post: You cannot break free at this point. Many of us who have lived even moderately active lives have been in situations at the beach, in swollen creeks and tempestuous rivers, even if only low-lying areas in our town during rain drenched downpours...

DJT: Hammer of God?


Last weekend, Donald J. Trump, the forty-fifth President of the U.S. spoke at a scaled down annual convention of political conservatives.  Known as CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee), the one-time president had received warm welcomes there before.  Last weekend was no exception as candidate Trump was in fine form. Could this man really lead us? Is he a prophet? The hammer of God? If you expected that a leopard can readily change its spots (Jeremiah 13:23), you were likely disappointed.  Mr. Trump launched...

Jesus Revolution


One of the more popular movies this spring is actually a surprise to many, and that’s a movie called Jesus Revolution, which is based on the lives of three ministers who lived and preached during the late sixties-early seventies. It chronicles their response to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during those times. The ministers are Chuck Smith (played by Kelsey Grammer), Lonnie Frisbee (played by Jonathan Roumie) and Greg Laurie (played by Joel Courtney) all located in Southern California....


You may have seen recent references to Winnie the Pooh or the early version of Mickey Mouse, known almost a century ago as Steamboat Willie.  These cultural icons are making the news because they are soon to be (if not already) in the public domain.  This means that within certain guidelines or restrictions, people can use these caricatures for their own private purposes. Perhaps someone may wish to advertise their day care center or babysitting service with a cartoon of Winnie the Pooh.  Someone...

Nobody Loves Me


Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. On this occasion, people will be pledging their love to their husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends and others with cards, candy and flowers. However, some people will not get a valentine this year. They feel like Lucy Moderatz in the movie “While You Were Sleeping.” Life seems to be passing them by. They wonder if they will ever find true happiness with a significant other. They also must wonder why it hasn’t happened to them...

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