The year 2023 had a lot of ups and downs, surprises and opportunities for us. Deena and I got off to a running start only two weeks into the year when I was diagnosed with high grade bladder cancer (see below.) Several months later, I was classified with the Veterans Administration as being totally and permanently disabled based on several different issues, and one of the benefits of that classification allowed Deena the opportunity to finish graduate school, first at...

Of politicians and prophets


Excitement and anticipation are building among members of many evangelical churches at this very moment as never before.  Christians are eagerly awaiting the new year.  They are posting more than ever on social media, spreading good news. But what is it that they are so preoccupied about?  Is it the Second Coming of Jesus Christ or the second coming of Donald Trump?  Is it praise of the Blameless One, or praise of the one with ninety-one criminal indictments against him and counting?  Is it He...



I have always loved sparrows. They may not be particularly impressive or interesting when you see a flock of them flying overhead or noisily chatting away on a pole or power line. But if you take time to watch just one of them closely, you’d be amazed. Sparrows are very intelligent and curious. Making certain noises will attract them because they want to see what it is that is making that interesting sound. If you put some bird seed in...

Never too late


It is no secret that one of my favorite poets is Lord Alfred Tennyson, and one of my favorite poems is his own Ulysses. The poem is a hypothetical monologue by Ulysses, written by Tennyson in iambic pentameter. It flows beautifully as Ulysses, now in his later years, surveys his life, wondering whether he and he shipmates who are still alive are capable of one more heroric deed. Or, are extreme exploits, awesome adventures and just ordinary good deeds and...

The Fourth Dimension


Try “googling” the word “dimension.” You’ll come up with something, nothing or anything to paraphrase the second U.S. President, John Adams speaking on another subject. Dimensions are important constructs in cosmology, mathematics, geography, physics and so on, and each discipline defines a dimension differently. So, rather than quote a confusing definition of a dimension, let’s just say that a dimension is an environment in which we live. Our third dimension freedom allows us to travel in different directions including up...

Molly and the Garden of Eden


Deena and I have a dog named Molly.  Molly is the quintessential Golden Retriever.  She is a happy-go-lucky dog who loves life, people and other dogs.  She has a separation anxiety when we’re not around, even as some people have when they are alone and afraid. Molly is smart, affectionate, curious, and playful. Watching her zoom around our backyard is very entertaining to us. It’s like she is back in the days when everything was new, back in Eden. She is a good dog,...


For a blog that began primarily as a discussion of different topics in Christianity, I’ve branched out over the years to include other areas of interest (such as travel, current events, heath, literature, history, science and politics.)  I’ve also translated some posts into Chinese, Russian or German.  I don’t believe this has come at the expense of my original focus.  Someone who visits my blog to learn about Europa or the Chinese New Year may come across an appeal to experience a new...

Loose lips?


Loose lips I love retirement parties. They are a lot of fun. Laughter, fond remembrances, festive music, jokes, cake, time away from the cubicle. What’s not to like? I remember when I retired from the Air Force. I could say anything I wanted. My boss Major General David Forgan had just awarded me two medals moments earlier and his arm was on my shoulder as I stepped to the podium. Every officer and enlisted person in the room had their...

The Keys to the Kingdom


Keys are items or tools that are very important in life.  They are designed to either grant or deny people access to a special place.  For example, a safety deposit box in a bank comes with keys, without which you might be denied access, even with proper identification.  House keys allow only certain people (generally family members) access to where you live.  We lock our cars to prevent them from being stolen by strangers. But what about special keys; keys to the Kingdom of...

Signs & Wonders


People in the Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia who looked to the heavens last evening saw a blood red sky. In England and elsewhere across Europe the sky was painted green, pale yellow or a faded pink instead. But over Kyiv, Ukraine, it was red. Blood red. A thousands years ago this might have been seen as sign of an impending doom. Even so today, in this modern age, it is still pretty creepy. In this post, I’d like to describe...

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