Certainly many of the 8,048,881,700 people on the planet at the moment would agree that this summer has been uncomfortably hot. Welcome to a planet in perile. As I write this, it is 41 degrees Fahrenheit in Thule Greenland. Thule is 700 miles north of the Arctic Circle, just less than half the distance from the Arctic Circle to the North Pole. In Las Vegas, it is 103 degrees, with a high of 111 degrees predicted for today. In Beijing it...



House Hearings on UAP’s set for July 26th. Watch Congressional News Conference UPDATE (July 24, 2023) Moving to a new post Wednesday I will be closing this post to futher comments today. Again, events are moving more quickly than I can report. It seems to me that the reason UFOs/UAPs are getting so much attention from members of Congress this time is that there are different factions with different interests demanding hearings. One side, of course (the “traditionalists”), wants to...

Жизнь человека – это выбор

Есть несколько вещей, которыми я хотел бы поделиться с моими русскими читателями. Для тех, кто впервые на этом сайте, я просто старый человек, который видел много войн, много трагедий и слишком много душевной боли. Я хотел бы видеть будущее, которое будет безопасным для всех, включая моих детей и внуков. Я думаю, что этого хотели бы и русские деды для своих семей и для всего мира. Молодые люди амбициознее нас, они хотят власти, популярности, богатства, возможно, даже исправить древние ошибки. Я...

Saul's conversion. Mysticism and faith.


I am currently writing a post on Jesus for the sake of my Jewish friends, and I came across musician Paul Simon’s latest work and how this project was suggested to him in a dream1 he had several years ago, with bits and pieces revealed to him over the following years. After reading several interviews about his approach to producing this album “Seven Psalms,” I also read accounts from him about how he processes his work and writes his songs...

Escape the zombie apocalypse


The notion of the Zombie Apocalypse has been around (more or less) for over half a century. Movies came out called “Night of the Living Dead” and “Dawn of the Dead.” There was the growing genre of supernatural films and television series such as a “Teenage Werewolf in London,” “Shaun of the Dead,” “Z Nation” and “The Walking Dead” to name just a few. Then there was “Twilight.” Not all of these and others deal with raising the dead, however....



This post is the third essay on spiritual warfare, the first two dealing with spiritual dungeons and the second dealing with whole armor of God (found in Ephesians 6:12ff.)  These two essays should be available on this website if anyone interested in reading them. The three posts deal with the constant struggle between good and evil in this world. Even though the focus of this post is on James Chapter 4, verse 7, it is important to look at the...

Life in the Spirit


Most people in the world are familiar with fish.  We learn about fish and aquatic life in school and many of us eat fish as part of our diet.  Some people raise fish as a hobby.  Others actually fish, themselves, either on lakes, ponds or in rivers or in the ocean, as several of Jesus’ disciples did over two thousand years ago and even other communities two thousand years before that.  Probably all of us know that with the exception of three or four species...

Cancer Chronicles


If using a mobile phone, the landscape (i.e., horizontal) orientation of your phone provides the better experience. Welcome to my blog on bladder cancer. Looking back, I’m reminded of the title of a Grateful Dead album (“What a long strange trip it’s been”) which more or less describes my experience, now in its fifth month since I first learned I had bladder cancer. I wake up some mornings and wonder what rabbit hole I’ve fallen into? Yet, every cloud has...

Россия стоит перед новой угрозой


Россия стоит перед новой угрозой. Россия может оказаться на грани гражданской войны, поскольку Евгений Пригожин идет маршем на Ростов, российский город вблизи Украины, в котором проживает более 32 000 человек. [Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что все эти новостные сообщения следует считать ненадежными, поскольку интенсивность этой истории растет с каждой минутой. Но я собрал их как можно лучше из газет, доступных в Интернете. Я не могу лично поручиться за все, что написано ниже”.] В конце пятницы западные СМИ сообщили о поисках...

Empty barrels make the most noise.


I grew up on a resort in the mountains, and we’d have a dozen barrel-sized trash cans filled with kitchen waste behind the dining hall building. There were always a few empty cans as well. We’d also be visited regularly by black bears in the middle of the night. When the bears tipped over the cans that were full, you would not be able to hear them because the contents of the can would muffle the sound. But when they...

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