Joe Biden


For the sake of the elect


Sometimes I can be a real glutton for punishment. Like right now. I’m going to take two important articles of the Christian faith and mash them together, possibly in a way that they were not intended to be melded, but in a way that I believe is grammatically defensible and that also meets the letter of the Law and the spirit of grace. I could be mistaken–you be the judge. I don’t think what I’ll write meets the bar of...

October surprise?


An October surprise is often an unplanned event the month before the general election (though, it could conceivably be a staged event as well.) An example of what many see as a staged event is when, in 1968 with the unpopular bombing of North Vietnam in full swing, President Johnson (D) announced the weekend before the election, that there would be a halt to the bombing and he held out the suggestion of peace talks. This was an initiative that...

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