

As nations go, the U.S. is a young nation, barely an infant at 250 years old. After all, Rome lived to be almost 1,200 years.  Israel is 3,324 years old. China is more than 4,000 years old. Iran is over 5,000 years old. Egypt is almost as old as Iran.  The American Experiment of 1776 gave birth to a beautiful child.  This child was the hope and dream not only of our nation, but of other nations around the world.  Yet, since the beginning...

People Like Us


This may be a fairly unpopular post, because it is provocative. I might have called it “Reimagining Heaven.” And actually, there is not very much material on Heaven in the Bible. Certainly not enough for the theme of a week-long revival or to fill the hundreds of pages of a book. I was invited to read a book that was popular in the Evangelical crowd a decade ago. The author suggested that our pets would join us in heaven when...

A Gathering of Eagles in Albany


Deena and I heard about a second series of protests scheduled for all of the state capitals in the nation for noon on Friday, March 14th. This one seemed to be focused on program cuts to veteran’s health benefits and we wanted to be heard. Deena’s late husband Jim was a career servicemember as am I. We decided to attend. Much of this event seemed somewhat disorganized. It wasn’t clear to us who was promoting it. And we stumbled on...

Birds of prey


I am the son of German immigrants, a former career, dedicated, armed forces service member who was almost killed by a Russian missile in Vietnam and a first generation high, school graduate who went on to major in political science. Frankly, I’m disturbed over current events. Why, you may wonder? Can it be because a vastly superior military power (Russia) decided several years ago to carve off yet another twenty percent of peace-loving Ukraine? Or, maybe it’s because the U.S.,...

Blood moon rising


Within the next three days (or more precisely, nights) between 2:26 a.m. – 3:31 a.m. Eastern DST on Friday, March 14. 1:26-2:31 a.m., the moon may turn bright–or perhaps more ominously–dark red.  This is what is known as a blood moon and it is caused by the moon passing into the Earth’s shadow and therefore, with the Earth between the moon and the sun, the moon will have very little light to reflect.  The spectacle actually begins Thursday night at 11:57 p.m....

Trump needs help!


Over the last 235 years, our government has become increasingly sophisticated, even as our society has. Over, time, the bureaucracy in Washington has grown exponentially, not just because we want people to have something to do or because a large bureaucracy is intrinsically a good thing, but because it was necessary. In Washington’s day (even a century later) we never had an Air Force, because man could not fly. Now we can and we do. During the first term of...


One of the more popular words in academia during the last decade and even today is the term “pathway.” It’s used to develop an advising plan for students going to college or university. Once the student has declared a major, then they can better focus on taking those classes that they need. Doing so as early as possible means the student can often graduate sooner and save on tuition and matriculation fees for courses they do not truly need. Thus,...

The cloud of witnesses


There are mysteries concerning the Bible that are not generally discussed.  They are not primarily fundamental to the faith, but should be explored and aired out regardless. One of these mysteries is the phrase “cloud of witnesses” which comes from Hebrews 12:1 in the New Testament.  This verse reads: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the...

I have an aneurysm in my brain?


This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. When I first started this blog seven or eight years ago, writing about aneurysms was the last thing on my mind. But that was before I married Deena and well before she was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm of her own. I journaled about her adventure and successful surgery last summer HERE and about the occasionally bumpy road to recovery HERE. Little did I know that...


Fascism is alive and well in America, today. In some sense, it has managed to survive during the last century in the proletariat neighborhoods of rural towns where you could find Christmas decorations on houses in August. These same happy homes might have old tires and the engine blocks or transmissions of decrepit cars as flower planters in their front yard. The postman might notice a confederate battle flag hanging on the living room wall as he passed each day...

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