UPDATE: USMC reports drone incursions at Camp Pendleton during week of December 8th. See story here.
Those who follow my blog know that I am open to the possibility of extraterrestrials passing through “our neck of the woods,” or some trans-dimensional phenomenon that humans do not yet fully comprehend. However, I am not certain that this is occurring at this very moment. Last Friday, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio suspended flight operations for four hours because of the presence of drones, leaving at least one medical evac plane “high and dry” and forced to divert. This follows another temporary closure last week at Stewart International Airport, a former military bases in Newburg, NY. Earlier this month, Ramstein AB in Germany was affected, and before that, Langley AFB in Virginia and since then, U.S. bases in RAF Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall, RAF Fairford and RAF Feltwell in England. Other military or otherwise sensitive intelligence locations in the continental U.S. have been affected as well these past two months. And, also civilian airports, most recently Logan International Airport in Boston earlier this week. Meanwhile, the administration in Washington has clearly fumbled the ball and continues to do so. We’re told by authorities that these “drones” are not breaking the law, but surely it cannot be legal to shut down activities at (for example) Wright-Patterson AFB, which is one of the largest bases in the world? We’re told that the authorities don’t know where these craft are coming from or where they disappear to, but we’re also assured that they do not come from a adversary such as North Korea, Russia, Iran or China. That leaves countries like Yemen, Thailand, Switzerland or Uganda as possible suspects, I suppose. But where would these countries get this technology and why would they send it to our friendly skies?
Another possibility that the government denies is that these machines causing fear and panic among Americans were built in the U.S.A., in some sort of top secret, black ops or research and development program. But if so, why would a U.S. government sponsored program put U.S. aircraft at risk (because surely it is just a matter of time before some government cargo plane or civilian airliner ingests one, or five, of these contraptions into their engine and crashes, killing all souls aboard?) Nor can we discount commercial actors such as Amazon.com which uses robots (and presumably, drones) as delivery carriers. Can they be responsible for this?
Many people online are coming up with exotic hypotheses, including that these drones are extraterrestrial in origin. This speculation is gaining speed day-by-day, fueled by the government’s coy and totally inadequate explanations and their inability to restore the status quo ante. My own opinion is that there is a smoldering hysteria at work here, but the longer that the government is evasive and impotent, the more I start to question any attempt at a rational explanation myself.
I think based on reports that I’ve read and videos I’ve seen that most of the aircraft-appearing sightings reported are just that–aircraft. The sort of aircraft we’ve seen all our lives. Only suddenly, we wonder whether they are our aircraft. Sort of like the 1956 movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” where after all these years, your mom is suddenly not really your mom. She looks like your mom. She talks like your mom. She knows the secret family recipe for goulash. But she’s really from outer space.

What are not manned aircraft are in most cases probably drones. Big drones, little drones. But then, who can afford car-sized drone as New Jersey police are reporting (and what company builds it and sells it and for what purpose?) Yet, if you see a blinking light buzzing around your house about 350 feet in the sky at 3:50 a.m. and it sounds like a leaf blower, then it is probably a drone, and not a space ship, and probably not a leaf blower, either.
Then there are other things not touched on in the media. Rumors of “orbs” flying around, or squadrons of unidentified objects which were previously submerged in the Atlantic and observed leaving the sea for higher ground, only to reenter the waters after scaring the good people of the U.S. of A.
So again, thinking of horses and not zebras, could this be hysteria, or more precisely, mass hysteria?
We think we’re sophisticated and capable of carefully analyzing a complicated situation and then reaching a calculated conclusion that is at once both logical and also rational, but then look at our ballot choices. In another time, the President might be able to explain what is going on and reassure us all, but in this case and with this president it would probably not be a good idea to hear from him since we’re already confused enough as it is.
Why is this only affecting American interests? Where are the drones that are tooling around Lima, Peru, or Port-au-Prince, Haiti?
Like a hurricane over Florida, mass hysteria begins with a triggering episode, though of course, the basic elements have been slowly collecting all along. With a hurricane, it is first a tropical storm, and with a tropical storm, it is first a depression, and with a depression, it might follow some steam-powered vessel off the coast of West Africa venting its boilers, or perhaps a butterfly in Bejing. The triggering effect here might be the drone warfare in Ukraine, or the angst leading to and following the November election. It could be the news stories of unexplained lights in the sky over Langley, Virginia.
Social contagion sets in as other people see the lights. Of course, they see the lights because the lights are moving and hovering in the sky as planes and helicopters do, but these common day (or night) occurances somehow take on a more sinister interpretation. Like, “Russia, Russia, Russia.” Or “these are flying saucers looking for landing zones. We’re about to be invaded.” People subconsciously outdo themselves. At this point, with the neighborhood being subdivided between the “true believers,” the skeptics, and the DKDC faction (i.e., don’t know/don’t care), ordinary people seek comfort and information from those who seem to have the most plausible explanation for all of this. Moscow’s reported threats of nuking us and talk earlier this year of a hopefully bloodless revolution from Kevin Roberts of the Heritage Foundation only add to the stress of rising grocery prices and pet-eating immigrants.
A lack of information is the growth medium for this culture of hysteria. One government official says “it’s nothing” while another says that this “nothing” is highly-classified and he can’t talk about it. The information void is fillled by prophets and crackpots who claim to be in telepathic contact with these mysterious beings. They say that the aliens just want our souls, or our cows. Or bagels. Or country music. People at that point start believing things they never thought they would and Ouille!
At this point, I almost look forward to making new friends from across the galaxy. They can’t be worse than some of the tyrants on our planet. But, again, I’m thinking of mass hysteria in this case and if you look to history, episodes of mass psychogenic illness often do not end well. I’m thinking of the Salem Witch Trials. Or, in Martin Luther’s day, people believed that a gigantic tsunami was about to engulf Western Europe. In Richard Nixon’s day, charismatics in Florida believed that another tidal wave was about to strike the Gold Coast. I was actually there at the time (in Florida, that is.) No one believed it except some Christians. In 1979, someone name John Todd crossed the country speaking at what church or forum whould have him. He claimed that leading Democrats were Satanists and child molesters (where have you heard this before?) Somehow he got my address. The last I heard of him was a newsletter stating he had moved to rural Montana fearing a second term under Jimmy Carter. He invited his followers to join him and to BYOB (“Bring your own Beretta.”) Todd died years later in a psychiatric facility. But that was a minor outbreak of mass hysteria. Yet, guns and religion don’t mix very well.
My advice is for all to once again practice critical thinking. Don’t fall for every rumor. The answers we need are in the BIble, and we already have a Savior. His name is not Klaatu.