



As nations go, the U.S. is a young nation, barely an infant at 250 years old. After all, Rome lived to be almost 1,200 years.  Israel is 3,324 years old. China is more than 4,000 years old. Iran is over 5,000 years old. Egypt is almost as old as Iran.  The American Experiment of 1776 gave birth to a beautiful child.  This child was the hope and dream not only of our nation, but of other nations around the world.  Yet, since the beginning...

Birds of prey


I am the son of German immigrants, a former career, dedicated, armed forces service member who was almost killed by a Russian missile in Vietnam and a first generation high, school graduate who went on to major in political science. Frankly, I’m disturbed over current events. Why, you may wonder? Can it be because a vastly superior military power (Russia) decided several years ago to carve off yet another twenty percent of peace-loving Ukraine? Or, maybe it’s because the U.S.,...

Trump needs help!


Over the last 235 years, our government has become increasingly sophisticated, even as our society has. Over, time, the bureaucracy in Washington has grown exponentially, not just because we want people to have something to do or because a large bureaucracy is intrinsically a good thing, but because it was necessary. In Washington’s day (even a century later) we never had an Air Force, because man could not fly. Now we can and we do. During the first term of...


Fascism is alive and well in America, today. In some sense, it has managed to survive during the last century in the proletariat neighborhoods of rural towns where you could find Christmas decorations on houses in August. These same happy homes might have old tires and the engine blocks or transmissions of decrepit cars as flower planters in their front yard. The postman might notice a confederate battle flag hanging on the living room wall as he passed each day...

Runaway stage


Most of us have seen old Westerns set in the nineteenth century on television or in the theater.  There are wagon trains, cattle stampedes, gunfights in the street, saloon brawls, hangings, stagecoaches and so on. Today, we no longer have wagon trains, cattle stampedes and stagecoaches, but we still have gunfights in the street, saloon brawls and at least attempted hangings by criminales trying to stop Congress from certifying a lawful Presidential election (2021.) There is a familiar motif to movies with...

The canary in the coal mine


Today, we have all sorts of sophisticated monitoring devices.  We have ways to measure the amount of mercury in tuna fish, or radon in our basements.  We have warning alarms for our homes to measure dangerous gas leaks.  But these devices are fairly new.  Before that, we used animals to alert us of a problem. These animals were among a classification called sentinel species.  I remember seeing dogs with high school students pass me in the hallway on their way to their next class. These dogs...


The Jerusalem Journal, 24th of Tevet, 3761 Tetrarch Herod Antipas demanded an apology earlier today from the Essene known as John-the-Baptist. The Essene stands accused of publically condemning the Tetrarch for sleeping (zitzn tsuzamm) with his sister-in-law in violation of the Torat Moshe or Mosaic Law. The Essene, who is also known as a prophet in Yisrael among his disciples spoke at a dedication which was attended by the Tetrarch and his Court. John did pronounce Herod as breaking G_d’s...

Of Bishops and Archbishops


Where to begin?  We are all riding on a bullet train at the moment.  We’re on the Shinkansen, traveling by rail at 200 mph and trying to point out specific landmarks or scenes as they whoosh by, but we are another twenty miles down the track before we can even finish our sentence.  Meanwhile the conductor smiles and says “Enjoy the ride.  We’ve only just left the station.” And that light on the track ahead of you that’s rapidly closing in? That’s an oncoming train....


UPDATE: USMC reports drone incursions at Camp Pendleton during week of December 8th. See story here. Those who follow my blog know that I am open to the possibility of extraterrestrials passing through “our neck of the woods,” or some trans-dimensional phenomenon that humans do not yet fully comprehend.  However, I am not certain that this is occurring at this very moment.  Last Friday, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio suspended flight operations for four hours because of the presence of drones, leaving at...



A week ago, people around the world were able to see a fifty-year-old man in blue sportscoat gunned down on the sidewalk of New York City by a hooded assassin standing in the shadows only several yards behind him.  The video was in high demand. All most people saw was the grim reaper point his gun.  They did not see the puff of smoke from the gun.  They did not see the intended victim fall to the sidewalk.  They did not see the assassin...

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