

For the sake of ten righteous people


I tried to follow the six week trial in New York City where Donald J. Trump was the defendant.  It just depressed me.  The defendant has a record of having lied or misled his audiences 30,573 times as of January 24, 2021.  In the last month he lied about his legal problems. He said he was not able to testify on his own behalf in open court because of the gag order. The judge went out of his way to assure him and the public...

Barn Burning


Around 1848, the Democratic Party in New York State was split into two factions over the issue of slavery. The moderate of the two factions (called the “Hunkers”) wanted to “hunker down” and hope that the issue of slavery would disappear or resolve itself somehow without leading to war. The more radical of the two factions were the Barnburners who wanted to rid the country of slavery so badly that they were willing to destroy the Democratic Party in the...


With this benediction, GOP frontrunner for president Donald J. Trump (DJT) sent Yuletide blessings to his friends, his foes, or to no one in particular. On Christmas Day, these bitter words were included in a repetition of grievances whether real or imagined as posted on his Truth Social platform. I discussed his posting with my wife Deena and we wondered what people might have thought had we signed our Christmas cards this same way: “Have a Merry Christmas~Rot in Hell.”...

A former president feels the heat


The news so far this week (ending October 28, 2023) is not good for Donald J. Trump.  In the past several days, three attorneys have entered into plea bargain agreements with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in the Georgia Election Racketeering Investigation.  The first is Sidney Powell, who Trump announced shortly after the election of 2020[1] was representing him. However, Mr. Trump is now stating that he never, in fact, hired her.  The second attorney who entered a plea was Kenneth Chesebro who worked as an outside advisor for...

Жизнь человека – это выбор

Есть несколько вещей, которыми я хотел бы поделиться с моими русскими читателями. Для тех, кто впервые на этом сайте, я просто старый человек, который видел много войн, много трагедий и слишком много душевной боли. Я хотел бы видеть будущее, которое будет безопасным для всех, включая моих детей и внуков. Я думаю, что этого хотели бы и русские деды для своих семей и для всего мира. Молодые люди амбициознее нас, они хотят власти, популярности, богатства, возможно, даже исправить древние ошибки. Я...

Empty barrels make the most noise.


I grew up on a resort in the mountains, and we’d have a dozen barrel-sized trash cans filled with kitchen waste behind the dining hall building. There were always a few empty cans as well. We’d also be visited regularly by black bears in the middle of the night. When the bears tipped over the cans that were full, you would not be able to hear them because the contents of the can would muffle the sound. But when they...


Лидеры семи африканских стран призвали сегодня президента России Владимира Путина прекратить войну в Украине, ссылаясь на “большую нестабильность и вред для различных стран по всему миру”. Это происходит на фоне того, что президент Путин подтвердил начало размещения тактического ядерного оружия в Беларуси. Это не приближает мир к миру. Для большей части мира (включая Запад) нестабильность, о которой говорил президент ЮАР Сирил Рамафоса, исходит, я полагаю, от экономических санкций. Для Африки вред исходит от повсеместного голода. Сегодня я прочитал, что в...

DJT: Hammer of God?


Last weekend, Donald J. Trump, the forty-fifth President of the U.S. spoke at a scaled down annual convention of political conservatives.  Known as CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee), the one-time president had received warm welcomes there before.  Last weekend was no exception as candidate Trump was in fine form. Could this man really lead us? Is he a prophet? The hammer of God? If you expected that a leopard can readily change its spots (Jeremiah 13:23), you were likely disappointed.  Mr. Trump launched...


You may have seen recent references to Winnie the Pooh or the early version of Mickey Mouse, known almost a century ago as Steamboat Willie.  These cultural icons are making the news because they are soon to be (if not already) in the public domain.  This means that within certain guidelines or restrictions, people can use these caricatures for their own private purposes. Perhaps someone may wish to advertise their day care center or babysitting service with a cartoon of Winnie the Pooh.  Someone...

48,000 B.C.

48,000 B.C.

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) was visible from the Northern Lattitudes last night and Tuesday night as well, though the waxing gibbous moon may have made it more difficult to locate. It was particularly interesting because of its green tint. According to Time magazine, “Comets flare green when they carry diatomic carbon—two-atom carbon molecules—which reacts with the sun’s outgassing particles, the solar wind.” Because it passed so close to the sun, the color was more vivid than it might have been...

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