


One of the earliest heroes I discovered in Greek mythology was Antaeus. I’m not sure if it was Edith Hamilton or Bulfinch who introduced me to him, but Antaeus sounded like a pretty cool dude to a ten-year-old like me. Back in the fifties, we didn’t have Ironman or Spider Man like kids have now. Antaeus was a giant of person, the scion of two gods, Gaia (earth) and Poseidon. Antaeus, with his six pack über abs, loved to wrestle....

Scarlet Letters


Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter is one of the most widely-read books in our society.  It has been adapted into many different plays and movies.  Hawthorne’s book is named for the Puritan practice of “belling” or “tagging” a person with a scarlet letter indicating their crime.  In this case, it is the letter “A”; that of a pregnant woman named Hester Prynne who is married to a husband she hasn’t seen in years. There is much historical truth in the background to Hawthorne’s novel.  In 1694,...



Deena sent me to the market a year ago.  She asked me to bring home a pair of steamed lobsters.  When I arrived, I went to the seafood counter to place my order and a young clerk a bit on the scrawny side asked me to pick out the lobsters from the tank next to the counter.  There were about eight to twelve lobsters in the tank, but only two were actively moving about.  The clerk looked at me.  One or two lobsters appeared like...

The Secret Life of Trees


This is an updated post to include additional information. I have had a few thoughts of trees lately. It’s autumn in New England, and though my wife and I live in upstate New York, the spectacular colors of fall do not stop at the Vermont border. Also, living with a forest in our backyard provides us with ample reminders that winter is fast approaching as thousands of leaves, blown by the wind, scurry across our driveway daily like shifting sand....

Dance the night away


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) once said “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Or, perhaps, by those who would not hear the music? You may hear harmonies, particular chords and notes, even instruments in a musical composition that I am oblivious to. I might find musical patterns in the wind-blown chimes outside my home or in the water of a rushing brook–places where you might not pause to listen....

The Easter Promise


I would be remiss for not mentioning Easter on a blog dealing in part with faith.  When people today think of Easter, they might think of rabbits, baby chicks, new clothing, jelly beans, colored eggs and a family meal together.  But this is not the true meaning of Easter. The true meaning of Easter deals with a promise of hope, of life after death, and of God’s intention to keep His promise. The Easter promise. When you look at the Holy days...



On the eve of Ron’s fourteenth chemotherapy treatment, he asked me if I wanted to write an update on how I was dealing with his illnesses.  I asked, “On what? The Big C., Parkinson’s, your heart issues, your shoulder pain, or your other issues?”  He said, “No really, my readers might want your perspective.”  I quietly answered, “I am labeled as a strong woman and for the most part, I am and can be, but I have my days and the gloomy...

When God came to Ireland


In this post, I’d like to share when God came to Ireland. In the beginning, in Ériu, in Éire, long before the land was dubbed Ireland and before the birth of Christ, there were the Celts.  This group traces their beginnings to 1,200 B.C. and they were predominantly in four countries of Europe; France, Spain, Britain and Ireland. The influence of the Celts was pervasive, militant, and it took Julius Caesar six years to conquer then (if he ever truly did.) The Celtic...

Ashes to ashes


This post concerns some fundamental themes in God’s creation of Adam and Eve (including rabbinic traditions of Eden), sin and repentance, and death. I want to focus specifically on the final hours of a person’s life in this existence and what immediately lies beyond the veil as far as we mortals can know. The familiar funeral term “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” does not come from the Bible as such, but from the Anglican Book of Common prayer. However,...



The item in the photo should be familiar to many of us, though it is not widely used anymore. It would be familiar to Jesus, and his disciple Matthew who likely owned one of his own, since he was a tax collector. The item is an abacus which predates Christianity by many centuries. There are also various versions of this instrument used in counting. For example, it may have been more convenient in the Old West to use knots in...

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