

Did God create the coronavirus?


This may seem to be an outrageous question to some, and not everyone will agree with my conclusions.  To address the primary question, I believe we need to examine some secondary questions as well, specifically (a)  Is God capable of creating the Coronavirus?  (b)  Did He create it, and (c)  if so, then why did He create it? Could God have created the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus? In this post I’ll also touch on healing and those who are not healed as well as pain and why...

God works in the life of an Afghan evacuee


I presume the child in this photo is a girl, though there is nothing convincing in the photo to assure me of this. No matter, boy or girl, God knows. This is one of the few fortunate children to escape Afghanistan only days before strict Sharia law is imposed. The child’s future is about to take a “synthetic”change of direction in terms of Hegel’s dialect. She may grow up as a Muslim or not, but she will be able to...

A love story


Schneewittchen, or Snow White as it is called now, was published in the early nineteenth century by the Brothers Grimm as Tale 53. There are many different iterations of the components in this tale, even within the writings of the Brothers Grimm. In this instance, it is a love story. I’ve taken some liberties to truncate this tale and make some minor changes to the storyline. Quotations come from Grimm’s Household Tales, Volume 1, Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm (Margaret Raine...

Candle and hourglass indicating all of our yesterdays


Almost everyone is familiar with Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. Macbeth is a driven man who makes mistakes and then commits crimes to cover those mistakes. As the crimes (including murder) multiply, he becomes increasingly troubled, guilt-laden, sleepless, mentally unstable and subject to hallucinations. His wife spurs him on his evil way, as if the forces within him needed any encouragement. And the King reminisces about all our yesterdays. Act V, Scene V of Macbeth contains Macbeth’s famous soliloquy, as follows: To-morrow,...


Much of Scripture is based on supernatural revelation or subjective experiences.  Whether we’re talking about the early books such as Genesis with the creation accounts, the Flood, and the giving of the Law on Mt Sinai, it was God who spoke to Moses.  The voice that Samuel heard as a small child calling to him in the middle of the night (I Samuel 3:9) was the voice of God, and only Samuel heard it. And the voice of a child...

Canticle of the Sun


Translated by Paschal Robinson (public domain) and slightly modernized Here begin the praises of the creatures which Blessed Francis made to the praise and honor of God while he was ill at San Damiano. Most high, most powerful, good Lord,Praise, glory, honor and blessing are yours.To you alone do they belong, most High,And there is none fit to mention you. Praise be to you, my Lord, with all your creatures,Especially to my reverent Brother Sun,who lights up the day, and gives us...

Falcon illustrating the Rapture


“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them...

Man giving thanks because he knows his redeemer lives


I’m new to the Christian community on Twitter. And I’m still learning the ropes on how it works; courtesies and protocols, things like that. Yesterday, there were a number of tweets on the Rapture. I couldn’t find the original tweet to which people were responding, but one person apparently could not agree that the Rapture would take place before the Great Tribulation (nor can I with certainty) and another Christian replied to the effect that he’ll pray for him because...

Hungry wolf

Le Loup et L’Agneau

Throughout the ages, society has drawn on a unique class of poets and authors. These are people who craft fables and spin short stories that have moral messages, especially for children and the otherwise illiterate and unlearned peasants of their age. The most famous, without a doubt was Aesop, and his fables are taught to children even today. What child has not heard of the Tortoise and the Hare, from which they learn perseverance? Less known to American audiences is...

Dried-up well


One of the most precious commodities through the ages has been clean, pure water. Wars have been fought over water throughout recorded time, until even today. In the U.S. during the “Old West” period, there were occasions of conflict over water rights for cattle and in modern times, states such as Texas and Oklahoma and countries such as the Sudan and Egypt have faced off likewise over the commodity known as water. Water is one of the prerequisites not only...

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