Saints and martyrs


The cloud of witnesses


There are mysteries concerning the Bible that are not generally discussed.  They are not primarily fundamental to the faith, but should be explored and aired out regardless. One of these mysteries is the phrase “cloud of witnesses” which comes from Hebrews 12:1 in the New Testament.  This verse reads: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the...

The Persecuted Church in China


I have deliberately blurred the featured image to preserve the anonymity of the people in this photo. Worshippers may be arrested without warning in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and the persecution they are experiencing is getting worse than it has been in the past. For this reason, it is difficult to know with any degree of certainty how many Christians there are in China, today. CHRISTIANITY COMES TO CHINA As far as we can tell, Christianity first arrived...

Red rose symbolizing martyrdom

IN MEMORY OF PERPETUA (c. 182 A.D. – c. 203 A.D.)

And Felicitas. The red rose is the symbol for Christians who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for their Lord. As Peter who was crucified upside down with his wife did. As Paul who was beheaded under Nero did. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was hung under Hitler did. As the blessed martyrs Perpetua and Felicity under Septimus Severus did. I have to say that except perhaps for Polycarp, Perpetua is my favorite martyr. The date of her martyrdom is generally observed...

Red rose symbolizing martyrdom


The red rose is the symbol for Christians who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for their Lord.  This month is the seventy-sixth anniversary of the murder of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, on April 9th, 1945, presumably on the personal order of Adolph Hitler. Few contemporary ministers of the Gospel have had to labor under such difficult circumstances as this man, and who lost his life before his fortieth birthday. The eulogy is in memory of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945.) Early life Dietrich Bonhoeffer...

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