War in Europe


Sailors take warning


Have you ever heard the old adage “Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning.  Red skies at night, sailors delight?” Perhaps you read it in the Bible (Matthew 16:2,3)? An adage, itself, is a short statement with an element of truth. For more than two millennia this bit of folksy wisdom has been passed down among mariners and their kin. And, there is actually science behind this. In the mid-latitudes, a red sunrise at sea can mean that a...

Game of Thrones


The art and science of gaming is increasingly important in politics as it is in other fields. Political games are like the tabletop exercises that disaster responders use to understand what resources they need for a disaster or a threat. Then, there are also full-scale exercises. About twenty years ago while still working at my college, I was asked to chair a disaster exercise involving actors (participants) from various levels of government. It included the county sheriff’s department, three or...


Äsop ist eine legendäre Figur, von der viele antike Schriftsteller berichten. In seinen frühen Jahren war er wahrscheinlich ein Sklave, aber schließlich erlangte er seine Freiheit. Er wurde in der griechischen Stadt Delphi verhaftet, weil er die Delphier beleidigt hatte, und von einer Klippe in den Tod gestürzt. Äsop soll 725 Fabeln verfasst haben, die noch heute existieren und die zur Unterhaltung gedacht waren, aber auch eine moralische oder praktische Botschaft an die Leser vermitteln. Eine solche Fabel ist Der...

The Coming World War


NSFW: This is a frank and informed assessment of how global war could break out. It may be upsetting for some. It is for me. Imagine the skies over Jerusalem, London, Paris, Oslo, Tokyo or Washington dotted by dozens of drones, each designed to seek out a specific target and substantially damage if not completely destroy it. Now, multiply the number of drones until they are as thick as a swarm of bees or flock of starlings–hundreds of them swooping...

Is Poland next? What is Putin thinking?


Poland is getting very, very nervous. They’ve never gotten along with Belarus, and now thousands of troublemaking soldiers of fortune and convicts (e.g., violent criminal offenders) that comprise the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) are arriving in Belarus within short striking distance of Polish territory. Plus, Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening to attack Poland if hostilities break out between Poland and Belarus. So, in order to be prepared to defend its border, Poland is understandably moving forces eastward toward...


This post will be an ongoing commentary on the Russian invasion of Ukraine with future entries based on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) as well as other relevant but hard to locate information, some of it first hand. Often an interesting story splashes on the front page of newspapers but then disappears soon after. In this post called Reflections, hope to track what happens to these stories. The Exclusion Zone April 1, 2022 (Updated April 4, 2022) The nuclear power station...

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