Members of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee finally had their Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) briefing today (Friday, January 12, 2024). The briefing had been sought since late July 2023 after the Committee heard testimony from USN Ret Commander David Fravor, Ex-USN F-18 Hornet pilot Ryan Graves and Former National Reconnaissance Officer Representative, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, Department of Defense, David Grusch. Today, the House UAP Committee emerged from the SCIF briefing.
In the summer hearing, these three individuals (particularly Grusch) had made incredible allegations about unidentified objects they had encountered while serving in the USN Navy during the past twenty years. Grusch, who was not a pilot, had filed a whistleblower’s report with the Intelligence Communities Inspector General and had received the typical blowback that whistleblowers receive. While he was not personally eyewitness to any of his claims, Grusch alleged that exotic aircrafts and technologies manufactured by nonhuman intelligence had crashed in the past either in pieces or intact and that military and defense contractors were trying to reverse engineer the highly futuristic technological advances they now had in their possession. In the process, several technicians, according to Grusch, were seriously injured or killed. Grusch also stated that a number of nonhuman bodies who presumably operated these crafts were recovered by the military and that millions and millions of dollars were secretly being diverted from programs that Congress had designated to receive these funds into other areas without the knowledge of Congress. Most members of the Committee, indeed the two pilots, themselves, and the outgoing Department of Defense primary investigator of UAPs (Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick) said, were told or personally witnessed that these objects performed at speeds and maneuvers far beyond what the human body could withstand. Some of the objects observed were too small for a person to occupy. The consensus was reached that the national security of the United States was at risk since these UAPs could outperform whatever advanced aircraft we, ourselves, possessed. If Russian or Chinese in origin, then we needed to catch up with these adversaries in a hurry. However, the unspoken notion seemed to be that these were not “foreign” in that sense. Grusch’s personal belief was that they may very well be from another dimension, rather than another galaxy and that notion came up today when Representative Anna Luna from Florida was interviewed outside of the hearing room.

Without being specific about the secret information she received she steered the people interviewing her away from the term “extraterrestrial” in favor of the term “interdimensional” by mentioning this term several times in the context of Grusch’s testimony last summer. Whether her understanding of dimensions is the same as Grusch’s understanding is a fair question. This is partly so because to our greatest minds in the last century (including J. Robert Oppenheimer, Richard Feynman, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein), dimensions beyond the three we live in and the small part of the fourth dimension we function in are all only theoretical (i.e., mathematical.) Interdimensional travel, if possible, would be very convenient because it would not involve a vast stellar journey the length of a lifetime at light speed. In fact, interdimensional beings could very well occupy the same “space” (i.e. locality) that we do, only in the past or future or some other context.
House UAP Committee Emerges from SCIF
Members of the Committee walked away from the SCIF briefing with different perspectives. Some didn’t care one way or another what these UAP’s were, only that Congress was being stonewalled by nonelected government employees, if not actually lied to. A few complained of the highly compartmentalized security attached to UAP’s. One or two Committee members seemed somewhat distraught by what they had heard and were trying to process it, themselves, while another two members said that their private beliefs were confirmed today (without stating what their beliefs actually were.) Most of the Congressmembers at the hearing gave Grusch high marks for his earlier testimony without saying he was absolutely right on all points. All seven or eight that I heard speak were generally vague or evasive, but they all agreed that there would be more hearings on the topic in the future and that it was a serious and not a fringe matter.
Feature photo (top of post) resembles the well-known “Orb of Mosul,” first discovered by a U.S. Reaper drone over Iraq. Since then, a number of other orbs have been caught on camera by American UAV’s around the world on routine patrol. In the case of this incident, the Reaper was re-tasked and gave chase to the object. How the encounter entered is not public information, however.