You see them on television. They scream at the police, often provoking confrontations with the authorities or contentious onlookers. They spout revolutionary slogans, claim to represent the people, and promise to seize control of the government by any means necessary. They have grievances and want resolution (or revolution) now! These are children of the same foul spirit as other terrorist are. I’m talking about the radical left. They are sometimes dressed in military garb, with bullet-proof vests, and make-shift helmets,...

Harvest time in the country


Adozen deer pass swiftly and silently through the wood in the waning light. The mercury on the thermometer drops hesitantly as the harvest moon rises over the Blue Mountain. Frogs, Crickets and Cicadas join Katydids in the evening sonata, perhaps for the la fin du concert of the year. Later, the ruffle of feathers in the darkness will herald the arrival of the Horned Owl flying at the speed of night as it pursues its prey. Bears go through our...

Sunshine and Shade: Emily Dickinson


I suppose I might have titled this post “Emily Dickinson: America’s Sweetheart” instead of “Sunshine and shade” and it would not be far from the truth. Incidentially, the woman on the feature photo is not Emily, but I wanted someone in period costume to suggest the age in which she lived and died (1830-1886.) The woman in the photo is not actress Cynthia Nixon, but she suffices. Was Emily truly America’s Sweetheart? Perhaps not then, but certainly now. Among the...

Losing hope


This post focuses on pandemic-induced depression as well as feelings of hopelessness, especially as it deals with Christians or anyone else looking for hope or an excuse to go on in these difficult times. Depression occurs for a number of reasons, some beyond your control. It is no shame to be depressed, and it is not a contradiction or indictment of your faith if you do suffer from depression. If you are struggling daily with sadness, losing sleep at night,...


Like most Americans who were old enough to remember the events of September 11, 2001, I remember where I was and what I was doing. I had just finished a “zero hour” dual credit college class at a rural high school approximately twenty miles from campus. I had just pulled out of the parking lot and turned on the Dallas CBS affilliate radio station KRLD to catch up on the traffic and weather. KRLD would provide traffic and weather reports...

Did God create the coronavirus?


This may seem to be an outrageous question to some, and not everyone will agree with my conclusions.  To address the primary question, I believe we need to examine some secondary questions as well, specifically (a)  Is God capable of creating the Coronavirus?  (b)  Did He create it, and (c)  if so, then why did He create it? Could God have created the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus? In this post I’ll also touch on healing and those who are not healed as well as pain and why...

God works in the life of an Afghan evacuee


I presume the child in this photo is a girl, though there is nothing convincing in the photo to assure me of this. No matter, boy or girl, God knows. This is one of the few fortunate children to escape Afghanistan only days before strict Sharia law is imposed. The child’s future is about to take a “synthetic”change of direction in terms of Hegel’s dialect. She may grow up as a Muslim or not, but she will be able to...


American forces leave Kabul The early stages of a deployment and the drawing down of forces are always the most dangerous times in a war. Hostile forces try to take advantage of the chaos as IS-K did yesterday. Thousands of Afghan civilian men, women and children with or without require papers mix in with U.S. military and civilians who wait in ninety degree weather while armed Taliban soldiers hover nearby. Meanwhile, the checkpoints at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in...


The Cambridge Dictionary translates the German word Augenblicke as “moments, seconds, flashes, instants, jiffies, ticks.”  It is also translated as a “glance” or a “blink of the eye,” so it runs the range of being a fraction of a second (an average blink of a human eye lasts 1/10 of a second) to several seconds in the case of a casual glance. But a lot can happen in that time frame. Consider, for example . . . The Big Bang happened in a fraction of an...

All I've done and all I still hope to do.


This blog contains reflections on my life: All I’ve done and all I still hope to do. I’ve had two successful careers and I’m working full time in yet a third field. During the past decades, I’ve met many different people from around the world and have enjoyed more than my share of rich and rewarding experiences. Yet, as much as I enjoy reminiscing over the past, I also anticipate better times for myself, my family and the people of...

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