Summertime blues for many Millennials represents that point in August when they know the fun is soon to be over and summer with its endless partying is about to come to a close; college resumes, resorts shutter their doors, and vacationers have run out of holiday days—and money. For many, summertime can be described in terms of baseball, beaches, babes, beer and barbeque. Those who “party hearty” might add bud and blow to the list. So, how’s that working out for you?

There are needs that people have that go well beyond an occasional sexual liaison and equally superficial social relationships with others. Disappointment, resentfulness, longing (and hangovers) may be denied or dismissed, but they are there nonetheless. By summer’s end the Rangers and the Reds are twelve games out of first place, and those superficial relationships built for equally shallow reasons crumble. You wake up feeling like you’re twelve games out yourself, (and you can’t stop sniffling.) You start to wonder if the night before was worth that morning after headache. Talk about running on empty. It seems like what the world has to offer is not enough.
For some life, itself, can be compared to the seasons. They may be very young or very old in the spring and winter “seasons,” so summer represents that period in their life when they are at their prime in terms of health, finances, and opportunity. But years–just as months–go by, and they enter a period that Erik Erickson defines as intimacy vs isolation. Those Millennials who perceive that they are not living the American dream encounter loneliness and detachment, and their marriages which utterly lack a sense of intimacy often fail because they are not built to last. Guilt, anger, or self-loathing are common. Welcome to the Summertime Blues.
The cure for the Summertime Blues is Jesus, who promises abundant life (John 10:10) to all who believe in him, and he accepts you as you are at this very moment—utter failure or not. Jesus says: “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life(John 5:24.) As you continue reading the material on this site, you’ll learn how to become a member of God’s forever family and how to kiss your old nature goodbye. You get to develop deep-rooted, intimate relationships not only with the people around you, but with the Creator of the universe, Himself! This is an awesome experience and it can begin for you in only a matter of minutes from now. Here’s how.