Adolph Hitler



It’s amazing how we learn even as we age.  Just as you retire and look for that life of leisure, something pops up and bites you in the butt.  Like a pandemic.  Or a revolution.  Something you never dreamed of being a part of.  Now, I’m starting to understand for the first time in my life what’s it life to be a part of a persecuted minority. Oh, I’m a white male in a country that’s 60.9% white (2022 census) and I’m a Christian in...

American Caesar


We are only a year away from what could be the most important election of our lives, and certainly of this century. At stake is perhaps the very existence of our Republic. The choices for the highest office of the land are horrible at the moment. One candidate is increasingly confused because of senility and the other appears to be incorrigible by nature. Be that as it may, there are sinister whispers in the wind that next year’s election for...

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