

Putin and Poo


Aesop is a legendary figure of whom many ancient writers speak of.  In his early years, he was quite possibly a slave, but eventually earned his freedom.  He was arrested in the Greek city of Delphi for insulting the Delphians, and thrown off a cliff to his death. Aesop was said to have written 725 fables which still exist and which were meant for entertainment purposes, but which also convey a moral or practical message to readers.  In this post (Putin and Poo)...

Hungry wolf

Le Loup et L’Agneau

Throughout the ages, society has drawn on a unique class of poets and authors. These are people who craft fables and spin short stories that have moral messages, especially for children and the otherwise illiterate and unlearned peasants of their age. The most famous, without a doubt was Aesop, and his fables are taught to children even today. What child has not heard of the Tortoise and the Hare, from which they learn perseverance? Less known to American audiences is...

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