Donald J Trump


Trump needs help!


Over the last 235 years, our government has become increasingly sophisticated, even as our society has. Over, time, the bureaucracy in Washington has grown exponentially, not just because we want people to have something to do or because a large bureaucracy is intrinsically a good thing, but because it was necessary. In Washington’s day (even a century later) we never had an Air Force, because man could not fly. Now we can and we do. During the first term of...

Runaway stage


Most of us have seen old Westerns set in the nineteenth century on television or in the theater.  There are wagon trains, cattle stampedes, gunfights in the street, saloon brawls, hangings, stagecoaches and so on. Today, we no longer have wagon trains, cattle stampedes and stagecoaches, but we still have gunfights in the street, saloon brawls and at least attempted hangings by criminales trying to stop Congress from certifying a lawful Presidential election (2021.) There is a familiar motif to movies with...



The U.S. Marshall’s Service has a fleet of several Boeing 737 aircraft to fly people in legal custody to prison, to another state, or to court or detention centers, wherever official business requires them to fly.  Illegal aliens in custody are also passengers on these aircraft.  The term for this operation is the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS), though informally it is known as Conair (for Convict Air.) More than a quarter of a million transfers take place each year.  Conair was also the...

Scary stories, pizza parlors and critical thinking.


If you look up the word “lunacy,” you’ll see that it is based on the belief that the phases of the moon affect behavioral disorders.  In fact, a fairly recent article in a prestigious psychiatric journal notes that “as many as 81% of mental health workers” believe that the full moon correlates with people losing their minds.  That would make it once every twenty-eight days.  And while this journal disputes this notion in their article “Psychiatric Presentations During All 4 Phases of the Lunar Cycle,” I must...

Ballots, not bullets


It’s been barely four hours since the assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump while he addressed a rally in Butler, PA, a small town with a population of barely 15,000 people. At the moment, we know that the shooter is dead as well as an attendee at the rally. Two more attendees were critically injured. But we know nothing about the identity or motive of the shooter. Those who follow my blog know that I am not enthusiastic about Mr....

Lyin' Eyes


Super Tuesday, the biggest political event in the presidential primary season is upon us. If past is prologue, expect a greater turnout among people who identify as republican than those who identify as democrat.  Expect a large evangelical turnout. Expect that Nikki Haley, for all her grit and gumption will lose every event on Tuesday.  And expect that many self-described but utterly discredited “prophets” will dust off their failed predictions of 2020 to state what is clear to most Americans already:  That Donald...


Lewis Carroll once wrote about a topsy-turvy world called “Wonderland,” where critical thinking, sanity, societal norms and human decency were in short supply. Alice was a young, naive, impressionable girl who one fine day curiously followed a strangely adorned white rabbit down its hole and from that point on, she seemed completely disoriented and lost her bearings. There, in Wonderland, she met such strange creatures as the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. She...

The Church and the Charioteer


Once again, I’d like to borrow, perhaps misappropriate an allegory from Plato (this time from Phaedrus, sections 246a–254e). My readings many years ago of the early church fathers such as Justin Martyr, Eusebius, Augustine and others convinced me that there was a certain admiration for Plato back then and a usefulness in his writings when contrasted–or even compared–with the Gospel. In this post, I’d like to borrow Plato’s charioteer illustration. In so many words, Plato speaks of a charioteer driving...

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