Donald Trump



СОБАКИ ПУТИНА There is an old saying that the best thing about a man is his dogs. Unlike cats, dogs take the responsibility and do the heavy lifting when it comes to bonding with a person. They seek approval from people. Dogs will perform hilarious and sometimes humiliating tricks for a treat. Try getting a cat to perform. I’ve always gotten along with dog owners. I find that regardless of the breed, dog owners are most often friendly and it...

A former president feels the heat


The news so far this week (ending October 28, 2023) is not good for Donald J. Trump.  In the past several days, three attorneys have entered into plea bargain agreements with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in the Georgia Election Racketeering Investigation.  The first is Sidney Powell, who Trump announced shortly after the election of 2020[1] was representing him. However, Mr. Trump is now stating that he never, in fact, hired her.  The second attorney who entered a plea was Kenneth Chesebro who worked as an outside advisor for...

Black Swan Sighted!


If you Google the term “black swan,” you’ll likely be overwhelmed with references to a movie starring Natalie Portman. But you must keep scrolling. Those of you who have taken a course in statistics are familiar with the term “black swan,” because one black swan is all you need to overturn (falsify) the hypothesis that all swans in nature are white. This notion that all swans are white cannot be proven because one cannot observe all swans. Black swans are...

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