Emily Dickinson




We probably all have been lost at some point in our lives. I remember getting lost in the woods when I was around the age of ten. I had no idea which way to proceed, and there was no trail to follow. No matter what direction I tried, I seemed to get deeper and deeper into the forest. I panicked, running in one direction or another. Somehow and in spite of myself, I found a way back home. After that,...

Sunshine and Shade: Emily Dickinson


I suppose I might have titled this post “Emily Dickinson: America’s Sweetheart” instead of “Sunshine and shade” and it would not be far from the truth. Incidentially, the woman on the feature photo is not Emily, but I wanted someone in period costume to suggest the age in which she lived and died (1830-1886.) The woman in the photo is not actress Cynthia Nixon, but she suffices. Was Emily truly America’s Sweetheart? Perhaps not then, but certainly now. Among the...

All I've done and all I still hope to do.


This blog contains reflections on my life: All I’ve done and all I still hope to do. I’ve had two successful careers and I’m working full time in yet a third field. During the past decades, I’ve met many different people from around the world and have enjoyed more than my share of rich and rewarding experiences. Yet, as much as I enjoy reminiscing over the past, I also anticipate better times for myself, my family and the people of...

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