


СОБАКИ ПУТИНА There is an old saying that the best thing about a man is his dogs. Unlike cats, dogs take the responsibility and do the heavy lifting when it comes to bonding with a person. They seek approval from people. Dogs will perform hilarious and sometimes humiliating tricks for a treat. Try getting a cat to perform. I’ve always gotten along with dog owners. I find that regardless of the breed, dog owners are most often friendly and it...


The terms “Christian” and “narcissism” should be mutually exclusive, but unfortunatelty they are not for reasons that will shortly become evident. The word “narcissism” has a very interesting origin. Narcissus was a figure in Greek mythology. He was exceptional in beauty and prowess (and he knew he was.) There was also a cursed nymph named Echo. Echo was cursed by Hera because Echo would try to distract Hera from finding Here’s usband Zeus carrying on with another woman. Echo’s curse was that...

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