Second coming


Eve of Destruction


“Take a look around you boy, It’s bound to scare you boy.“ July 1965 July 1965 was a cool 75.5 degrees Fahrenheit U.S. wide, much milder than we see today in July. A month earlier on Gemini IV, astronaut Ed White became the first American to “walk in space.”  The U.S. Civil Rights Movement continued to gain steam in America thanks to leaders such as Dr Martin Luther King and the Reverend Ralph Abernathy. A sympathetic President Lyndon Johnson had...

Second coming of the Bronco and Jesus


The second coming of the Bronco and the second coming of Jesus. A week or two ago as my wife and I were planning our move to a mountain house where we’d live for the next twelve months, she casually mentioned to me that it would be nice—and fun—to have a Jeep or four-wheel drive OTR/GOAT vehicle (in case I wind up in the ditch again, if not in traction.)  But she was actually thinking about the snow we’d encounter next...

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