

Prevailing in prayer


I have had a particularly difficult time with my prayer life the past few years.  I’m a Boomer in my mid-seventies with issues such as Parkinsonism from Agent Orange and PTSD from Vietnam.   I have been fighting stress (and cancer) along with all that has happened this past year, and I have my share of aches and pains which usually wait until I retire for the evening before they make themselves known.  Thank God for His love and mercy.  I’ve asked God for more...

Losing hope


This post focuses on pandemic-induced depression as well as feelings of hopelessness, especially as it deals with Christians or anyone else looking for hope or an excuse to go on in these difficult times. Depression occurs for a number of reasons, some beyond your control. It is no shame to be depressed, and it is not a contradiction or indictment of your faith if you do suffer from depression. If you are struggling daily with sadness, losing sleep at night,...

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